Seven Witches - Deadly Sins
Seven Witches return with a new album which differs a lot from their prior release as the plethora of the modern elements have been taken out of the band’s sound and they return to their familiar style. Alan Tecchio (Hades/Watchtower) is once more in the vocals and Joey Vera (Armored Saint/Fates Warning, Anthrax) is co operating with Kevin Bolembach (Non Fiction) and Clint Arent (Pain Museum’s/ Teos) in the bass. The concept of the album is that of the 7 deadly sins according to Mahatma Gandhi, which were considered dangerous for mankind. Frost drives the band in rushing aggressive synthesis, well established in their majority while the vocal lines are very well fitted in the tone and color of Tecchio voice. Tracks that stand out even from the first time you listen to the record are “Worship” , “Pleasure” and “The answer”. They stand out because of their guitars, and rhythm sections. Equally good is the song “Knowledge” but also the title track which opens the album. In general I would say it is a good album and fans of the genre should invest on. It’s no different than the style the band has become known with and is the band’s trademark.
\r\nNikoleta Saradou
\r\nTranslated: Elena Mihailidou\r\n