At Vance - VII

At Vance - VII

\r\nGermans At Vance return with their new work, titled “VII”, and their familiar melodic heavy/power metal, on which we got used, by their previous albums.“VII” includes ten songs, some of them fast, like “Vreaking the Night”, “Shine” and “Truth” and other more mid tempo, like “Cold As Ice” and “Friendly Fire”. At quite a few moments they reminded me of Riot (of the most recent years, and not of “Thundersteel”’s era). A powerful advantage of At Vance certainly constitutes the pretty good voice, of the band’s new singer, Rick Altzi, who successfully replaced Mats Leven (Abstrakt Algebra, Yngwie Malmsteen). Better moments of the album could be characterized the songs “Cold As Ice”, “Shine” and “Truth”. Deductively, At Vance gives us a good album of melodic heavy/power metal, without, however, presenting anything new or further any development concerning their previous releases. \r\n


\r\nDionyshs Dionysiadhs \r\n


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