Weekend Nachos - Unforgivable

Weekend Nachos - Unforgivable




\r\n-Weekend Nachos - are ready with their first full length album.The band has released only one Ep untill now that they are ready with their very first full length work.-Weekend Nachos - are playing Hardcore/Punk the Chicago way and their debute album is here to proove their strength!\r\n


\r\nThe album is called - Unforgivable - and its a great sample of the modern Chicago Hardcore scene.Great Hardcore riffs , nice bass, hardcore/punk knock out drumming and good Hardcore voices.The whole album sounds very dark and the production is following this tactic with great sound.The cover of the album is hardcore and shocking and shows a beheaded child.\r\n

\r\n-Weekend Nachos- may have funny name but they are into Hardcore/Punk very seriously.Their debute album stands tall among the multiple hardcore releases,Great songs, great ideas and very good vocals.Angry,harsh and brutal!! This band reminds me a lot of the Blood for Blood(also Chicago Hardcore) band and i liked it

even more!! \r\n

\r\nEfkarpos \r\n



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