Generation Kill - Red, White and Blood

Generation Kill - Red, White and Blood

\r\nKeep it simple, into your face, circle pits. These, among others, are the first expressions that come to mind when you listen to Generation Kill’s debut album. Rob Dukes, known as Exodus’ latest vocalist, hits your face with his side project. A project that all thrashers and crossover lovers will deeply appreciate. Let alone crash their heads to. After a short, butchered acoustic intro BAM, all hell breaks loose! Oh, did I forget to mention that Rob Moschetti(former ProPain, M.O.D.) is playing bass? Good enough for ya?
\r\n My guess is, the guys with the white sneakers, tight pants, and Death Angel t-shirts have already started stagediving and the truth is "Red, White and Blood" is worthy of such mayhem. Violent, fast(though not in its full, there plenty parts to take a breath!) and...not modern! Just the way it should be. Music for other decades or to put it better: as if it’s coming from another decade. Thrash/crossover that honours the tradition and sees no boundaries. It’s not trying to be something it is not, nore does it try to apply to a target group of breakdown lovers. The ten songs(plus a Nine Inch Nails cover-strange choice!) contained here prove they have what it takes to demolish the builiding and that’s enough! I have to admit, I haven’t been thrashing too much the past few years but I listened to this cd again and again simply because it made me feel GOOD. And I think this is how you should check it out. "Red, White and Blood" is not trying to reshape things.
\r\n "I will not describe anymore", a greek spokesman once said, and I’ll follow his lead. You know what you’ll listen once you hit the play button but it is so honest, so pure, it’ll make you love it. I’d give you a positive answer if you asked me if it is worth your money. Dukes does a hell of a good job, either when he’s screaming or when he’s singing. If you already give kuddos to his work with Exodus you’re bound to love this one. "Red, White and Blood" will be equally loved by old thrashers as well as crossover kids too. The time to mosh is now!\r\n


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\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos \r\n


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