
March 09, 2008

\r\nThese days we are up against a serious national matter that has to do with the international regognition of F.Y.R.O.M. (Former Yougoslav Republic Of Macedonia) as Macedonia.\r\n


\r\nThis issue has greek interest since its result shows clearly the lack of patriotism and also the irresponsibility of our goverments, ministers and prime ministers who let things take this unfortunate course.\r\n

February 25, 2008

De gustibus et de coloribus non disputandum estVs Ροκάκιας την ημέρα το βράδυ καμαριέρα  Το Vs  του τίτλου είναι εν μέρει παραπλανητικÏŒ και μοιάζει υπερβολικÏ

February 10, 2008

\r\nΜε αφορμή τα συναυλιακά δρÏŽμενα των τελευταίων ετÏŽν, τα\r\nοποία σίγουρα αντικατοπτρίζουν τις πωλήσεις των εν λÏŒ&

January 31, 2008

\r\nIt must have come to your attention that some of the media on the subject of metal music, magazines, webzines refer to bands having no relation with the kind of music they examine. To be more spacific, there are articles about Nirvana, Rage Against the Machine, Dead Kennedies, Sex Pistols, Ramones etc. They refer to bands that not only don’t have anything to do with metal, but they used to be in opposite sides at times.\r\n

January 02, 2008

\r\nHappy new year to everyone!\r\n


\r\nMost of you know you can listen to METALZONE internet radio, but some of you maybe don’t know how. It is an omission we are about to make up for with this article. \r\n


\r\nMETALZONE Internet Radio is on air 24 hours a day playing Heavy Metal, and live shows are almost daily broadcasted. The weekly show program can be found at the web page forum and is also announced at the beginning of the week at METALZONE news.\r\n

December 10, 2007

\r\nStill ‘eavy still proud (?). This is a title from an album-collection of Uriah heep and the question is mine. Not accidentally, because this title confused me, even the first time I read it. "Proud?", for my knowledge in english, this word seemed to me very heavy, like the picture of the proud eagle in the cover. I felt that it wasn’t for me. It was too much. It has passed two decades since this first uncertain meeting.

November 22, 2007


\r\nWhen in 1969 Coven, a band of 60’s from U.S.A. released their first album under the name “Witchcraft Destroys Minds And Reaps Bodies” they surely couldn’t imagine that they are gonna establish a whole school which will be named Οccult rock and will occupy itself with dark music and apocryphistic themes.

November 01, 2007

One of the darkest groups that saw the light of the day is Death SS from Italy. Death SS have been formed back in 1977, by the musical idols Stefano Silvestri (Steve Sylvester – Vocals) and Paolo Catena (Paul Chain – Guitars) in Pessaro.
\r\nHeavily influenced by the dark bands of this era, Alice Cooper, Black Widow, Atomic Rooster and horror classic movies (such as flicks from Universal and Hammer horror), Steve and Paul gave birth to Death SS (The name Death SS stands for Steve Sylvester’s Death and has no connection with the well known Nazi movement).

October 26, 2007

\r\nI am dealing with album writing reviews since 2003. During these years I learned many from this and it was always pleasure for me to express my opinion for an album, in such a way that I help also the reader to create an opinion or even to take an idea of what we the album is about. Receiving both positive and negative comments, I continued and I will continue writing reviews, despite the fact that mainly the last two years the situation is not the same as it was when I first started doing this.

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