
January 16, 2010

\r\nCandlemass Chronicles #3 - Chapter VI - out now! \r\n

January 15, 2010
SUICIDAL ANGELS Issue Tour Update From Munich

\r\nSUICIDAL ANGELS issue tour update from Munich Germany.  As the band informed the tour with Kataklysm, Darkest Hour, Belphegor and Resistanse is going great.\r\nThe chemistry between the bands is very good and all live shows are\r\npacked and the venues are awesome! The band only wishes it can continue\r\nin the same mode.

January 13, 2010

\r\nΗ ελπίδα πεθαίνει πάντα τελευταία… έχουμε μάθει από τους παππούδες μας, τους γονείς μας.
\r\nΤι είναι όμως η ελπίδα?

January 06, 2010

\r\’s team would like to wish everyone a Happy Headbanging New Year With Great Metal Music for all of us. Here are the albums we headbanged to the year passed and we will continue to headbang in the future as we selected the best of 2009 in our opinion….  

\r\n01. Megadeth – EndGame
\r\n02. Candlemass – Death Magic Doom
\r\n03. W.A.S.P. – Babylon
\r\n04. Powewolf – Bible Of The Beast

January 04, 2010

\r\nΤο άρθρο δεν αφορά την μουσική βιομηχανία που ασχολείται με το metal μας αλλά την μουσική βιομηχανία σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδ&

December 25, 2009

\r\nAccording to research, those who download ’free’ music are also the industry’s largest audience for digital sales\r\n

November 04, 2009
ROTTING CHRIST Listening Session, November 1st 2009

\r\nThree years ago around this time of year, I had the honors of listening for the first time the new album of Rotting Christ Theogonia. The success Theogonia had is something we needn’t mention. What we must mention though is the fact that album brought the band one step forward due to the unique way the tracks had been composed and the new elements that had been integrated into Rotting Christ’s sound. This album was a great success for the band and everyone was wondering how much further the band can go.

October 15, 2009
Knuckledust: London Hardcore. Live In Thessaloniki 18/10


\r\n \r\n

October 12, 2009

\r\n Περιπλανώμενος στο Internet καποιο απόγευμα το ματι μου επεσε στο παρακατω κειμενο της Μαρίας Δημητριάδου (

October 05, 2009

Κάποτε όταν κάποιος ήθελε να σου κάνει κακό, σε κάρφωνε στην ασφάλεια σαν κουμουνιστή, σήμερα λίγα πράγματα έχουν αλλάξ

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