
December 22, 2007

\r\nAfter “Uncreation” which was their debut album, Benedictum is back with a new release. The band consists of five members and comes from California, and some fans may already be aware of them due to the impressive covers of “Mob Rules” and “Heaven and Hell” from their debut album, which can also be found on youtube as live performances. Raw heavy metal, incredible guitar riffs, fierce rhythm section, and astonishing vocals by Veronica Freeman. Describe what, the powerful and passionate voice, or how much expressive it is?

December 22, 2007

\r\nDecayed (formely Decay) comes from Portugal and the band was born in August 1990 playing at the time a mix of Black, Thrash and Speed Metal. After a demo ‘…Thus Revealed’ in 1992 and a 7”EP ‘The Seven Seals’, they released their splendid debut CD ‘The Conjuration of the Southern Circle’, which demonstrated a sound advancement further into the realm of Black Metal and being the greatest Black Metal release ever made in Portugall.

December 20, 2007

\r\nNecromantia were (and still are) one\r\nexceptional chapter in the Greek Metal Scene. They were formed back in 1989 and\r\never since they didn’t need to sound like anyone else. All their albums present\r\nsomething different, yet with the common feature of extreme darkness. It’s been\r\n7 years since the band released it’s last album (IV: Malice) and 2007 is the\r\nyear for their next step with "The Sound Of Lucifer Storming Heaven".\r\nThe new album was released through Dockyard 1, the new record\r\nlabel of the band.

December 19, 2007

The Demo “The Day Of The Raven” is the first demo / promo by the Italians, Black Raven. I thing that is widely known that almost every effort made by Italian Bands is at least considerable, just like this Demo Cd. The Music style is just Heavy Metal, nothing more, and nothing less. Five Tracks of solid and pure heavy metal, that in specific parts needs to be more improved, but in general is a very good effort. “The Day Of The Raven” seems like an oasis in the dessert of atmospheric etc metal.

December 18, 2007

\r\nAfter the celebrations of the 10 years of the\r\nband with the re-release of the first two albums and the release of their first\r\nDVD titled "Honey From The B’s", the new album of the German band Brainstorm is\r\nnow a fact and it is titled "Downburst" (the release of the album will be at\r\nthe 28th of January 2008) by Metal Blade Records.

December 18, 2007

\r\nThe Arcane Order come from Denmark and this is\r\ntheir second album in which apparently they emphasize in experimentation than\r\nin regular composition of tracks. "In The Wake Of Collision" is pretty hard\r\nwhen it comes to hearing and this can be explained by the fact that it combines\r\nmany different elements and brings them all together, thing that sometimes can\r\ncreate a very chaotic and "stressful"  atmosphere.\r\nThe members come from bands like Raunchy, Scavenger, Autumn Leaves, Koldborn, Submission,\r\nNightrage etc.

December 18, 2007

\r\nPanychida is a new band from the Czech Republic and recently they signed a contract with Folter Records from Germany. "Paganized" is the debut album of the band and it is obvious from the title the style of music they are playing.\r\n

December 17, 2007

\r\nThe previous album of Mystic Prophecy "Savage\r\nSouls" left me speechless. Since then I’ve been waiting anxiously the new\r\nrelease of the band. Finally the time has come and "Satanic Curses" is now a\r\nfact. For those who may not know, Mystic Prophecy is a German band whose singer\r\nis from Greece and his name is R.D. Liapakis. Until now the band has released 5\r\nfull length albums including "Satanic Curses".

December 17, 2007

Την ίδια χρονική περίοδο με τους Queensryche και την κυλοφορία τους "Take Cover",οι Nothern Kings μας χαρίζουν ένα δίσκο καθÏŒλου άγνωστο για τ&al

December 16, 2007

Οι Fokearth είναι ένα διεθνές project που αποτελείται απÏŒ περίπου 30 μουσικούς απÏŒ 11 χÏŽρες (Βέλγιο, Κροατία, Γερμανία, Ελλάδα, Λιθου&a

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