
November 25, 2007

\r\nAlthough I have been following Arch Enemy from the early beginning of their career I must say that after Johan Liiva‘s departure and his replacement by Angela Gossow I kind of started to keep a small distance considering my previous attachment to them.

November 24, 2007

\r\nCirith Gorgor was founded in late 1993 by the\r\ntwo guitarists Asmoday and Astaroth Daemonum.

November 24, 2007

\r\nΕίναι γεγονÏŒς πως η ατμοσφαιρική σκηνή στην Ιταλία δεν τα\r\nπάει και πολύ καλά.

November 24, 2007

\r\nΤις περισσÏŒτερες φορές που ακούω ένα album ψάχνω να\r\nβρω μέσα σε αυτÏŒ κάτι το μοναδικÏŒ.

November 24, 2007

\r\nOdious is a quintet based in Alexandria, Egypt. "Mirror Of Vibrations" is the title of the album and the sound delivers something that we could  simply describe as African black metal moulded with oriental influences. The Intro which opens the cd is a beautiful and calm composition built upon the sound of a classic guitar which initially enters and later on supplemented by an Oud, an Egyptian instrument, that in Arabics means thin wood, and which is an embellished wooden organ with six double strings.

November 24, 2007

\r\nIn my opinion, the only Greek band that combines Atmospheric and dark /\r\nmelodic elements with Black Metal is The Elysian Fields. At least this\r\nis what I though until I listened to this perfect Mini EP created by a\r\nbrilliant band called Sacram. This band exists since 1999, when they\r\nreleased their first Demo called Desert Sea. 8 years later, the band\r\nreturns with a brilliant Mini EP which is called Far Away and its\r\nimpossible not to be heard by anyone who is into Atmospheric / Black\r\nMetal.

November 23, 2007

\r\n"Worlds Collide" is Apocalyptica’s new release, their first since 2005’s self-titled album.

November 22, 2007

\r\nCaer Ibormeith needs special treatment. We presented this band some\r\nyears ago when a Demo had been released but to be honest, that Demo did\r\nnot betray the material that we find in this album. Just to mention,\r\nCaer Ibormeith comes from France and they have released 2 Demos (Flora\r\n2004, Orftum 2005) and a full length album called O Hanami (2006) so\r\nfar.

November 22, 2007

\r\nThe Band\r\nArgus is the brainchild of Bucth Balich (Penance and Against Nature) This Demo\r\ncontains 5 tracks and musically they play classical Heavy / Doom. The Heavy\r\nRiffing and the wild monolithic pounding of the rhythm section are their\r\nstrongest point and the dual guitar attack along with the soaring vocals by\r\nButch make us to look for their full length release impatiently. The Demo is\r\nfree for Downloading at the website of their label, Bland Hand Records.

November 22, 2007

\r\nΗ τελευταία φορά που έπιασα στα χέρια μου κασέτα, ήταν ÏŒταν\r\nοι Kaamos κυκλοφÏŒρησαν το Demo "Curse Of Aeons".

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