
September 05, 2007

\r\nThere are bands which are something more than a history in the domain of Hard Rock / Heavy Metal and noone can doubt about what they have offered. One of these bands are WASP, whom releases may not all be so worthmentioned, but they deserve the respect of all, only for the what they have done till today. To be more precise without waffling, the new album has the title "Dominator" and to my personal opinion, it could be in the list with the best albums which the band has released.

September 05, 2007

\r\nΟ Î®χος και η νοοτροπία των Six Feet Under παραμένουν ίδια απÏŒ την μέρα που η μπάντα έκανε την πρÏŽτη της εμφάνιση.

September 05, 2007

\r\nΥπάρχουν μπάντες που ÏŒταν κυκλοφορούν νέο δίσκο, οι φανατικοί οπαδοί τους ασχολούνται μÏŒνο με αυτÏŒ και ÏŒλη τους &eta

September 05, 2007

\r\nΜετά το αριστουργηματικÏŒ Portrait Of The Abyss Within και το καταπληκτικÏŒ Neighbourhell, έρχεται να συμπληρωθεί στην δισκογραφία των ΙταλÏŽν Eldritch άλλο έν&alp

September 05, 2007

\r\nWhen you are someone like Jeff Waters, when you have proved in the past that you can write disks that would remain classic, when you dedicate a entire year in order to compose an album and of course when you have so many names as guests in your new album, then the result if it not a killer, at least it must be heard with a huge amount of pleasure. The new album of Annihilator therefore, which brings the very simple title Metal, we couldn’t say that it is a usual outcome for the band since what is dominant here is dullness despite all the names that participate which are many.

September 05, 2007

Ξέρετε αυτή την ατάκα που λέει πιστεύεις στον έρωτα με την πρÏŽτη ματιά. ΕδÏŽ ισχύει κάτι αντίστοιχο με το πρÏŽτο άκουσμα.

September 05, 2007

\r\nΗ κυκλοφορία αυτή μας έρχεται απÏŒ την Grindethic Records και απÏŒ το ÏŒνομα και μÏŒνο της εταιρείας, είναι φανερÏŒ το τι θα ακούσουμε.

September 05, 2007

\r\n"Nebula" is the debute album of Winterhorde, a band which doesn’t come from Norway (as it would be more logical) od Sweden, but from Israel. In this album, Winterhorde try to find their identity, even if their influences are so strong that sometimes they remind us some other band, so as we have another band which copies. This isn’s always bad, since it’s a nice-hearing album. However, they don’t have something new to offer us and personally, if I would like to hear something similar, I ’d prefer Emperor or Dimmu Borgir.

September 05, 2007

\r\nΆλλη μια αξιÏŒλογη κυκλοφορία απÏŒ την Burning Star Records, αυτή τη φορά ÏŒμως έρχεται απÏŒ την Ιταλία και τους Empyrios.

September 05, 2007

\r\nΗ Ελληνική σκηνή τους τελευταίους μήνες μας έχει προσφέρει πολλές αξιÏŒλογες δουλειές και μια απÏŒ αυτές είναι

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