
June 28, 2010

\r\nThe band exists for almost a decade and it has recently released its first album; I doubt how promising can that be, especially when music wise it’s nothing new or really inspired.

June 22, 2010



\r\n-NeverDream- is a band from Italy that plays a mix of Thrash/Progressive/Metal since 2000. They have already released two full length albums and one Demo and they are now ready with their third official work.\r\n


\r\nThe album is called - Said - and it’s a great Progressive Metal album with many great riffs and leads, nice bass and drumming, good keyboard themes and a nice atmospheric voice. The production is very good and the whole album has great atmosphere.\r\n

June 22, 2010



\r\n-Quo Vadis- is a band from Poland that plays a mix of Thrash/Death/Progressive/Metal since 1986. The band has released seven full length albums and it seems that nothing can stop them. Three years after their latest release they have returned with another album. \r\n

June 21, 2010

\r\nIn case anyone thinks that there are only 2-3 good bands coming from Greece, they should reconsider.

June 20, 2010

\r\nBefore I start reviewing this one I’d like to make some things clear. Indica has nothing to do with Heavy metal. So what’s this review about? Some of you might ask, well I’m asking myself the same question and honestly I can’t find an answer. Well Indica, as the info sheet suggests are an all-female pop-rock band that are most popular in Finland where they come from. The fact that they signed with a huge metal label like Nuclear Blast could be either by chance (which I don’t think so..) or as a result of a very successful management.

June 20, 2010

At last… First of all I d like to admit that I won’t be objective on this release because it really means a lot to me, and the only reason I’m writing this review is that it could be such a same to “bury” this diamond under the pile of shit that everyday reach

June 16, 2010

\r\nMinuetum was formed in 2007 by Dimitris Melidis (keyboards) and Dimitris Zaharopoulos (vocals) and in 2008 they released their first demo, while their new cd will be in stores on 2 of July. Haunted Spirit’s line up will include also Jason Mercury (x- Outloud) on guitars, Nacho Lopez (Lord Kraven) on bass and Nick Parotides on drums.The mixing/mastering process was undertaken by Timo Tolki (ex-Stratovarius, Revolution Renaissance) and for the production responsible was Bob Katsionis.

June 16, 2010

\r\n Just about when you think that you have heard it all in the Power Metal scene, albums like “Reborn In Fire” can really surprise you.

June 15, 2010
\r\nThe greek heavy rock scene seems to unstoppably breed new children. One of them is Heritage, who come from Arta, Western Greece, and whose first official album “Herencia On The Road” is a fine example of heavy/stoner rock that lacks nothing from albums by bigger and more experienced bands.
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