
June 20, 2011

\r\nThe return of James Rivera behind the mic seemed as a great opportunity for the band to release a marvelous new album. However, things didn’t really turn out to be this way. Unfortunately, the new Seven Witches album lacks inspiration.
\r\nJames Rivera, who is such an expressive frontman, reunites with the guitar master Jack Frost and bassist Mike LePond (Symphony X) along with drummer Taz Marazz completes the band line up, creating together a solid and heavy “backbone” for the compositions.

June 17, 2011

When I first got this Marienbad cd in my hands, my first tough was the magnificent movie “Last Year In Marienbad” released in 1961, a dark movie full of mystery, romanticism, but also many undercover political statements (well enough said). So the concept album, Marienbad  “Werk 1: Nachtfall can be described as an eerie, dark, theatrical opus with many gothic references, that allows the auditor to make a whole imaginary scenery ,lead by the lyrics of the album. Since I mentioned lyrics, I have to make clear that the album has been released in English and in German.

June 17, 2011

What we have here is a new release from the US outfit, Pharaoh, maybe the name of the band does not ring a bell for the most of you, but the name of their vocalist, Tim Aymar, does, since Tim was the vocalist on Chuck Schuldiner’s Control Denied album.

June 17, 2011

The Athenian outfit returns with their second E.P. release, entitled “Harvester Of Souls”. Their 1sr release the sametitled E.P. has been released a couple of years ago and for sure caused some positive comments!

June 16, 2011

\r\nAfter looking at the magnificent cover art I almost shed tears of joy. Finally some people do pay attention to this stuff, everyone should! Very beautiful work! I had heard about Inside It Grows before but I’d never listened to their music(what a paradox!). I’d love to get my hands on the physical form of this album to tell you the truth..

June 15, 2011

\r\n I was always wondering why TBDM is supposed to be a love it or hate it band. They don’t sound that soft to my ears as they say. Anyway, who cares, I just had to start this review somehow..To the music: this is the new opus of the americans after almost 2 years from the latest "Defloration" and things look and sound...great! Fifth album in ten years of existence ain’t bad and while the band was ready to break apart(sometime after "Miasma" if I remember correctly) we are now witnessing a very creative period!

June 15, 2011

\r\nSummer. Time for beers, breasts, beers and wet t-shirt contests. Did I mention beers? Well, it all comes down to one thing: rock ’n’ roll! This is what you get from Chrome Division’s third album. Pure, harsh, sing along boogie rock ’n’ roll, ideal soundtrack for a hit-on when you’re drunk.

June 14, 2011

\r\nThe name of the band absolutely reflects its music. Their main influence, among others like Judas Priest and Accept, might be Metallica. Garagedays play Old School Thrash Metal and remain absolutely loyal to this style. Clean, diverse and raw Metal in other words.

June 13, 2011

\r\nDeath Wolf are a band formed back in 2000 and they play a mixture of rock/black metal/punk and a few other genres, you’ll get what I’m talking about only by listening to the album. So as I said, the band was formed about 10 years ago under the name of "Devil’s Whorehouse" from Marduk’s Morgan(Evil). After two albums and two e.p’s they decide to change name and page.

June 13, 2011

\r\n The arch "enemy" of puritan deathmetallers, american act Suicide Silence have reached the "love it or hate it status" faster than they should have although they have only been around for 6 years. But if you put aside the scene kids and the trend around their name you may discover fresh yet brutal music. So, this is their third album so far and the bar is already too high.

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